It's easy!
Step 1: Register or Sign In
First, you’ll need to
register for a contest account. If you have previously participated in a BCLC online contest such as Tech the Halls or Crossword, simply
sign in using the same email and password.
Step 2: Enter Your Tickets
To earn contest entries from tickets you purchased in-store from a lottery retailer, log in and scan your ticket(s) with your mobile device (preferred) or the webcam on your desktop computer.
To have your online tickets purchased on PlayNow automatically entered into the contest, follow the steps detailed
here. Once you’ve completed those steps, eligible online purchases will be automatically entered on your behalf.
Check out the
Official Contest Rules and Regulations for information on how to enter without purchase.
Earn one (1) contest entry for every $1 spent on LOTTO MAX (add-ons such as Extra not included). Each entry qualifies for the $1 million grand prize draw, plus the thirty (30) $10,000 weekly draws for the week in which your ticket is entered. For example, if you enter a ticket on
September 5, 2024, it will be entered into the grand prize draw plus the thirty (30) draws of $10,000 from all entries collected between
September 5, 2024, at
3:00:00 AM EDT until
Monday, September 16, 2024, at
2:59:59 AM EDT.
Step 3: Check Your Entries
Check your TICKET HISTORY to see your entries earned from in-store purchases for each weekly draw and for the grand prize draw. Eligible entries earned from online purchases can be viewed on your
PlayNow account promotions page. If you still have questions about your total number of contest entries, please visit our
support site.